It's our goal to provide as much information as possible about our project.
How do I get a box?
"Shoeboxes of Joy" is a Holiday Project funded by community donations. As such, it is limited by the number of donations received. However, we always do our best to fulfill every request.
Please note, request forms should be received by "Shoeboxes of Joy" no later than December 15th. A request form is required for each box delivered. Fill out the form below, we then add you to our list.
Can I give you my PO Box instead of my street address?
No, we can only deliver to a street address.
Why do you need to know what type of disability I have?
If you are under 65, we need to know what type of disability you have to qualify for the program. As a 501C3, we must adhere to the regulations that are currently in place
Do we need to wrap our shoeboxes?
We have to check each box before delivered. However, if you wrap the top and the bottom separately, allowing us to "quality control" the box(es), it would save our "wrappers" time. As a 501C3, we must adhere to the regulations that are currently in place, including a value for each shoebox. This is why we place certain items in everybox.
What are the deadlines?
Recipient forms are due December 15th.
Donations and Shoeboxes are due by December 21st.